[Statlist] Reminder - Swiss Statistics Seminar - Nov. 9, 2018 - new format

barhell at aim.uzh.ch barhell at aim.uzh.ch
Wed Sep 12 15:27:42 CEST 2018

Dear all,

We would like to remind you of the next Swiss Statistics Seminar:

 Friday, November 9, 2018
 14:15 - 17:30
 University of Bern

with the following invited speakers:

 Thordis Thorarinsdottir, Norwegian Computing Center, https://www.nr.no/~thordis/
 Richard Samworth, University of Cambridge, www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~rjs57/ .

We will use a slightly different format this time, to allow for more interaction between the participants. We have planned two talks, with a longer break in between, with an apero and poster session during the break. For more information, please see the website, www.imsv.unibe.ch/research/talks/swiss_statistics_seminars_live/index_eng.html.

We warmly encourage everyone, and in particular PhD students and postdocs, to take advantage of the poster session to present their work. If you are planning to do so, please just send an email to:

 office at stat.unibe.ch

by October 31, 2018. (Registration for attendance is not required.)

We are looking forward to seeing many of you in Bern!

Kind regards,

Marloes Maathuis and Barbara Hellriegel
for the organizing committee

Lutz Dümbgen, local coordinator

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