[Statlist] EMS 2019: Abstract Submission Deadline

lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
Sun Apr 14 19:53:50 CEST 2019

European Meeting of Statisticians 
22-26 July 2019 
University of Palermo, Italy 

Dear All,

You are kindly reminded that the deadline of the online abstract submission (April 28, 2019) is quickly approaching. Thank you to those who have already submitted their abstract. If you haven’t managed to submit your abstract yet, please do so at your earliest convenience before the deadline. 

The online abstract submission link is:


Furthermore, it is yet possible to propose a Topic Contributed Session with five or six speakers sending an e-mail to Ems-2019 at unipa.it. Further details are available through the following link:


The program consists of invited and contributed lectures, and posters, addressing a full range of subjects in statistics and its many applications. Invited speakers include:

- Judith Rousseau	(Oxford University, UK),
- Genevera Allen		(Rice University, USA),
- Gilles Blanchard	(University of Potsdam, Germany),
- Victor Panaretos	(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland),
- John Lafferty		(Yale University, USA).

Registration and abstract submission are available at 


Prof. Angelo M. Mineo <angelo.mineo at unipa.it>
University of Palermo, Italy

For further informations please contact: ems-2019 at unipa.it

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