[Statlist] Open Position at UnI Neufchatel

SAVOY Jacques Jacques.Savoy at unine.ch
Wed Dec 18 19:00:24 CET 2019

The Université of Neuchâtel announces a position of

Maître-assistant (Lecturer - Senior Scientist)
Jointly at the  Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Mathematics
Full time 100%


  *   PhD in Computer Science or Mathematics (obtained up to 10 years ago)
  *   Good scientific knowledge in Computer Science and Mathematics
  *   Sustained teaching experience
  *   Strong interest in interdisciplinary approaches


  *   Teaching in Computer Science and Mathematics: up to 4 hours per week at Bachelor and Master level in French and in English
  *   Student supervision
  *   Research development
  *   Participation in administrative tasks at the institutes

Position duration: 4 years, renewable 2 years / legal treatment and obligations

The application of each candidate must include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae and a copy of the titles earned. A complete application file shall be sent in one PDF file to the address secretariat.iiun at unine.ch<mailto:secretariat.iiun at unine.ch>. The applications will be evaluated starting from February 1st 2020 until the position is filled.

The salary is defined according to the scale of the University of Neuchâtel, see www.unine.ch/srh/maitres‐assistants‐mer<http://www.unine.ch/srh/maitres‐assistants‐mer>. Further information can be obtained by Prof. Peter Kropf peter.kropf at unine.ch<mailto:peter.kropf at unine.ch> and Prof. Elisa Gorla elisa.gorla at unine.ch<mailto:elisa.gorla at unine.ch>,  as well as on the page www.unine.ch/sciences<http://www.unine.ch/sciences>

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