[Statlist] Research Seminar - University of Lausanne

Matthieu Wilhelm matthieu.wilhelm at unil.ch
Mon Feb 11 12:00:02 CET 2019

Dear All,

The following research seminar, organized by the department of 
Operations (prof. Valérie Chavez) will take place tomorrow at Unil. 
Please feel free to attend it.

Kind regards,

Matthieu Wilhelm

Place: Tuesday 11 February (11h00 - 12h00) - Anthropole - 3034, Unil.

Speaker: Maria Michela Dickson (University of Trento)

Title: "Double-calibration estimators accounting for under-coverage and 
nonresponse in socio-economic surveys"


Under-coverage and nonresponse problems are jointly present in most 
socioeconomic surveys. The purpose of this paper is to propose a 
completely design based estimation strategy that accounts for both 
problems without resorting to models but simply performing a two-step 
calibration. The first calibration exploits a set of auxiliary variables 
only available for the units in the sampled population to account for 
nonresponse. The second calibration exploits a different set of 
auxiliary variables available for the whole population, to account for 
under-coverage. The two calibrations are then unified in a 
double-calibration estimator. Mean and variance of the estimator are 
derived up to the first order of approximation. Conditions ensuring 
approximate unbiasedness are derived and discussed. The strategy is 
empirically checked by a simulation study performed on a set of 
artificial populations. A case study is lead on Danish data coming from 
the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey. 
The strategy proposed is flexible and suitable in most situations in 
which both under-coverage and nonresponse are present. Joint work with 
Giuseppe Espa and Lorenzo Fattorini.

link: https://agenda.unil.ch/display/1547823107070

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