[Statlist] Statistics Seminar, Thursday 28 February, 14h15 at EPFL
Schaffner Portillo Maroussia
maroussia.schaffnerportillo at epfl.ch
Fri Feb 22 11:55:33 CET 2019
Please note that we changed the timing of the seminars. It will be, as of 28 February, at 14h15 (unless specifically mentioned).
Thursday 28 February, 2019 14h15
Room MA 12<https://plan.epfl.ch/?room==MA%20A1%2012>
David Kraus<https://www.muni.cz/en/people/238224-david-kraus>
Masaryk University
will be speaking on :
Regularized classification of functional data under incomplete observation
Classification of functional data into two groups by linear classifiers is considered on the basis of one-dimensional projections of functions. Finding the best classifier is seen as an optimization problem that can be approximately solved by regularization methods, e.g., the conjugate gradient method with early stopping, the principal component method and the ridge method. We study the empirical version with finite training samples consisting of incomplete functions observed on different subsets of the domain and show that the optimal, possibly zero, misclassification probability can be achieved in the limit along a possibly non-convergent empirical regularization path. We propose a domain extension and selection procedure that finds the best domain beyond the common observation domain of all curves. In a simulation study we compare the different regularization methods and investigate the performance of domain selection. Our methodology is illustrated on a medical data set, where we observe a substantial improvement of classification accuracy due to domain extension.
The talk is based on joint work with Marco Stefanucci.
Best wishes,
Maroussia Schaffner
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