[Statlist] Joint BBS/BES causal inference course (by Prof M. Hernan) and Seminar – PROGRAM & REGISTRATION

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Mon Jul 1 14:03:13 CEST 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Please take note of the upcoming 2-day training on causal inference provided by Prof. Miguel Hernan, followed by a 1-day seminar on the same topic. These events are jointly organized by the BBS and BES.

Training (see attachment for content)
Date:               Aug 19-20, 2019
Time:               9:00 – 17:00h
Location:         Roche Auditorium (exact location will be communicated once enrollment is closed)
Fee:                 Industry: CHF 200.- / Academia: CHF 100.-
Registration:    By e-mail to fred.sorenson at xcenda.com<mailto:fred.sorenson at xcenda.com>
                        Roche, Novartis, Actelion associates: please register by e-mail to your internal contact: Vanessa Gschwind (Roche); Eliane Imfeld (Novartis); Lilla di Scala (Actelion/J&J)

Seminar (see attachment for content)
Date:               Aug 21, 2019
Time:              9:00 – 16:00h
Location:        Roche Auditorium (exact location will be communicated once enrollment is closed)
Fee:                 Free of charge
Registration: via the BES homepage: http://bes.ceb-institute.org

We look forward to seeing you at these events!

The organizing committee

Sigrid Behr, Frank Bretz, Giusi Moffa, Thibaut Sanglier, Simon Wandel

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