[Statlist] Satellite seminar to joint BBS/BES event on Causal Inference

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Tue Jun 4 19:02:07 CEST 2019

Dear colleagues,

Please take note of the upcoming half-day satellite seminar on causal inference:

Date:               5 July, 2019
Time:              9:00 - 12:00h
Location:        Actelion Pharmaceuticals, Hegenheimermattweg 95, CH-4123 Allschwil

For registration and a detailed agenda, please see attachment. Of note, this is a satellite seminar to the joint BBS/BES event on Causal Inference that will happen in August.

Best regards, Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Meilleures salutations

Bibiana Blatna
Administrative Expert

Phone    +41 61 3242537
bibiana.blatna at novartis.com<mailto:bibiana.blatna at novartis.com>

Novartis Pharma AG
Clinical Development & Analytics, GDD
CH-4002 Basel

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