[Statlist] PhD position in statistics at Stevens Institute of Technology
Eva Cantoni
Eva.Cantoni at unige.ch
Wed Mar 6 21:57:51 CET 2019
/PhD position in statistics, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science (SES),
Stevens Institute of Technology//
//Funding is available for a PhD student (4 years) to work on a project
in the following areas: robust statistics, semi- and non-parametric
methods, spatial and spatio-temporal modeling with applications to
ecology, and related computational aspects. The student will be
supervised by Prof. William H. Aeberhard.//
//The prospective PhD student should have obtained a Master's degree, or
equivalent, in statistics or in a related field by Summer 2019. Required
qualifications include a solid background in mathematical statistics,
some experience in applied statistical modeling and proficiency in at
least one relevant programming language (R preferably).//
//PhD programs at Stevens typically include one year of course work with
qualifying exams followed by three years of research. Tuition at Stevens
is included in the position and the competitive stipend is commensurate
to good living standards in the New York metropolitan area. //
//To apply: interested applicants should send a CV to Prof. William H.
Aeberhard (william.aeberhard at stevens.edu). GRE and TOEFL exams will
eventually be required for admission as PhD candidate in the Department
of Mathematical Sciences. Suitable candidates could start as early as
August 15, 2019. //
//About Stevens Institute of Technology: a private research university
located in Hoboken, New Jersey, just across the Hudson River from New
York City and only 15 minutes away from downtown Manhattan via public
transportation. Stevens' exceptional location offers excellent
opportunities for collaboration with nearby universities, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, and major corporate research laboratories, as well
as recruitment opportunities with some of the biggest companies in
business and technology. With the recently inaugurated Stevens Institute
for Artificial Intelligence and new Masters programs in Machine Learning
and Data Science, Stevens intends on vastly increasing its research
output in statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence and
is actively expanding its faculty in these areas. See
https://www.stevens.edu/about-stevens for general information and
https://tour.stevens.edu to view the campus location and surroundings.//
Prof. Eva Cantoni
Research Center for Statistics and
Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva, Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, CH-1211 Genève 4
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