[Statlist] Announcement: BBS/EFSPI "Precision medicine in drug development” on 4th June 2019 in Allschwil

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Thu May 23 11:30:04 CEST 2019

Dear all,
Please find attached the final program.
Best regards,

From: Blatna, Bibiana <bibiana.blatna at novartis.com>
Sent: Montag, 6. Mai 2019 12:39
Subject: FW: Announcement: BBS/EFSPI "Precision medicine in drug development” on 4th June 2019 in Allschwil

Updated flyer attached

From: Blatna, Bibiana <bibiana.blatna at novartis.com<mailto:bibiana.blatna at novartis.com>>
Sent: Montag, 1. April 2019 18:21
Subject: Announcement: BBS/EFSPI "Precision medicine in drug development” on 4th June 2019 in Allschwil

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the BBS & EFSPI event “Precision medicine in drug development”. Please find the draft agenda attached.

Date:               4th June, 2019
Time:              9:00 – 17:00h
Location:        Actelion Pharmaceuticals, Hegenheimermattweg 95, CH-4123 Allschwil,

For registration, please see attachment.

Actelion associates: to register, please contact pwydler at its.jnj.com<mailto:pwydler at its.jnj.com>
Roche associates: to register, please contact laurence.guillier at roche.com<mailto:laurence.guillier at roche.com>
Novartis associates: to register, please contact bibiana.blatna at novartis.com<mailto:bibiana.blatna at novartis.com>

Best regards, Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Meilleures salutations

Bibiana Blatna
Administrative Expert

Phone    +41 61 3242537
bibiana.blatna at novartis.com<mailto:bibiana.blatna at novartis.com>

Novartis Pharma AG
Clinical Development & Analytics, GDD
CH-4002 Basel

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