[Statlist] IFOR-Talk: Tim Kunisky, Friday, November 15, 2019

Kaiser-Heinzmann Susanne susanne.kaiser at stat.math.ethz.ch
Thu Nov 14 09:46:40 CET 2019

Institute for Operations Research, ETH Zürich:

We are pleased to inform you of the next IFOR talk:

Date: Friday, November 15, 2019
Time: 13:00 hrs
Room: HG G 19.2, ETH Zurich

Speaker: Tim Kunisky, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University, USA

Title: Hardness of certification for random quadratic programming problems

Abstract:  I will describe recent results on the computational cost of certifying bounds on Gaussian random instances of a class of quadratic optimization problems. Unlike merely finding good feasible points, certification demands an easy-​to-verify proof (like that furnished by the sum-​of-squares hierarchy) of a bound on the objective function. I will present several forms of evidence that certifying bounds can be significantly harder than searching for good feasible points. First, I will show how to adapt the heuristic “low-​degree method” for assessing the computational hardness of hypothesis testing problems to also suggest hardness of certification. Second, time permitting, I will outline a more concrete result confirming that the degree 4 sum-​of-squares algorithm fails to certify tight bounds for a specific well-​studied problem, that of optimizing the Hamiltonian of the Sherrington-​Kirkpatrick model from statistical physics. (Based on joint work with Afonso Bandeira and Alex Wein.)

Feel free to forward the announcement to anyone who might be interested in the seminar.

ETH Zurich
Annette Ryter
Department of Mathematics
Institute for Operations Research
HG G 21.4
Raemistrasse 101 
8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone +41 44 632 40 16
annette.ryter at ifor.math.ethz.ch

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