[Statlist] Save the date: Joint BBS/EFSPI Seminars "Estimands in Oncology" and "HTA" - 29 & 30 June 2020 at Novartis Campus Basel

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Wed Apr 1 17:29:55 CEST 2020

Dear BBS colleagues,
We`d like to invite you to save-the-date for two Joint BBS & EFSPI Seminars. Please find links to draft agendas below.

Registration is not open yet, until we have a clearer understanding if the meetings can be held as planned. We will keep you informed.

Seminar:         Estimands addendum is final: Anything new for Oncology?
Date:               29th June 2020
Time:              8:30 - 16:50h
Location:        Novartis Auditorium, Fabrikstrasse 15, Basel
Agenda: LINK to announcement & draft agenda<https://www.efspi.org/EFSPI/Events/International_Events_Items/Estimands_addendum_is_final_Anything_new_for_oncology.aspx>

Seminar:         Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
Date:               30th June 2020
Time:              09.00 - 17:00h
Location:        Novartis Auditorium, Fabrikstrasse 15, Basel
Agenda: LINK to announcement & draft agenda<https://www.efspi.org/EFSPI/Events/International_Events_Items/1st_Announcement_HTA_Seminar.aspx>

Best regards, Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Meilleures salutations

Bibiana Blatna
Administrative Expert

Phone    +41 61 3242537
bibiana.blatna at novartis.com<mailto:bibiana.blatna at novartis.com>

Novartis Pharma AG
Clinical Development & Analytics, GDD
CH-4002 Basel

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