[Statlist] Postdoctoral position in Statistical Data Science on Ensemble Postprocessing for High-impact Events

David Ginsbourger david.ginsbourger at stat.unibe.ch
Mon Apr 27 20:08:04 CEST 2020

Postdoctoral position in Statistical Data Science on Ensemble 
Postprocessing for High-impact Events

In the framework of a collaboration being currently set up between the 
University of Bern and the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and 
Climatology (Meteoswiss), we are calling for applications for a 2-year 
postdoctoral position (80%-100%) to be funded subject to successful 
completion of the collaboration contract.

The main goal is to investigate and develop statistical postprocessing 
methods for improving the forecasts of meterological parameters related 
to severe weather events and corresponding weather warnings (such as 
precipitation, wind, temperature). These high-impact weather events are 
not strictly extreme events, but relatively rare and postprocessing 
methods for general weather may no longer be optimal in this context. 
The desired focus on rare events will be achieved by suitable 
adaptations of scoring rules. Besides this, parametric, semi- and 
non-parametric distributional probabilistic forecasting methods will be 
compared, possibly including linear and non-linear features within the 
covariates. When applicable, Machine Learning approaches will be 
included in benchmarks and also possibly leveraged within statistical 
postprocessing. Also, since non-parametric approaches may call for more 
data than available locally, spatial weighting schemes will be 
considered, with a view towards methods of analogs for designing 
efficient weighting.

The recruited postdoctoral researcher will be mentored from the academic 
side by a multidisciplinary team from Statistics (Prof. David 
Ginsbourger and Prof. Johanna Ziegel) and Geography (Prof. Olivia 
Romppainen-Martius and Dr. Pascal Horton), all affilliated with the 
Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research (University of Bern). The 
recruited Postdoc will also work a substantial part of her/his time at 
MeteoSwiss (near Zürich) under the guidance of Dr. Jonas Bhend and Dr. 
Mark Liniger. This will ensure an optimal know-how transfer on the 
understanding of the movivating problems, meteorological expertise, the 
exact user needs and practical applicability and the work can build upon 
prior experience at MeteoSwiss.

The ideal candidate either has a PhD in statistics with a strong taste 
for applications in areas related to meteorology and climate sciences, 
or a PhD in climate sciences with a strong background in theoretical and 
applied statistics. In all cases, the position will require outstanding 
data analysis and implementation skills, very good communication and 
team player abilities, and academic writing proficiency. We offer a 
multi-disciplinary environment with the possibility to have an impact on 
science and society. The starting date is as soon as possible in 2020. 
Applications will be reviewed swiftly and selected candidates will be 
contacted for interviews.

CV, motivation letter and references to be sent jointly to 
david.ginsbourger at stat.unibe.ch & johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch

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