[Statlist] Modular classes in Data Analytics, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 22/06/20 to 17/07/20

Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser Maria-Pia.VictoriaFeser at unige.ch
Fri Feb 28 20:18:55 CET 2020

Hello everyone,
Apologizes for cross posting.
The Geneva Summer School (https://www.unige.ch/genevasummerschools/) offers, this summer, a set of classes in data analytics during four weeks. The students will develop data analytics skills with emphasis put in their different dimensions (see detailed descriptions for each course at https://www.unige.ch/genevasummerschools/index.php?cID=266). The statistical software R is the main support for the acquisition of the relevant data analytics skills. Depending on the student background, each week can be taken independently of the other. Also, each weekly class is valued 3 ECTS that can be credited in programs of study,  depending on the program's rules. The modules are:
Geneva Summer Schools • Data Analytics - Modular Course<https://www.unige.ch/genevasummerschools/index.php?cID=266>
The statistical software R has come into prominence due to its flexibility as an efficient language that builds a bridge between software development and data analysis. For example, one strength of R is the facility to develop and quickly adapt to the different needs coming from the data management and analysis community while at the same time making use of other languages in order to deliver computationally efficient solutions.

Module 1 Computing with R (2 weeks), 22 June - 3 July 2020
Module 2 Statistical and Machine Learning for Big Data (1 week), 6 - 10 July 2020
Module 3 Time-Based Analytics (1 week), 13 - 17 July 2020

Prof. Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
Research Center for Statistics
Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva

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