[Statlist] Biostatistician (MSc. or PhD)

ulrike.held at uzh.ch ulrike.held at uzh.ch
Mon Jan 6 09:23:38 CET 2020

Dear All


We are looking for a biostatistician for our consulting group at the
Department of Biostatistics at University of Zurich
(https://www.ebpi.uzh.ch/en/research/methodsexpertise.html), starting July
2020. Please see the attached PDF for a job description and further

Kind regards

Ulrike Held






Ulrike Held, PD PhD

Head Scientific Methods Consulting

CRS Fellow


Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Department Biostatistics

University of Zurich

Hirschengraben 84

Room HRS F21

CH-8001 Zurich

 <mailto:Ulrike.Held at uzh.ch> Ulrike.Held at uzh.ch

Phone +41 44 634 4539


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