[Statlist] FW: BBS seminar "Estimands addendum is final: Anything new for oncology?" - slides, recording, and answer to questions from chat

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Fri Jul 3 18:31:33 CEST 2020

Dear colleagues,

Many thanks to the speakers, participants, organizing committee, and the organizing societies for the support making this webinar a success!

On the BBS webpage http://bbs.ceb-institute.org/?p=1453<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__bbs.ceb-2Dinstitute.org_-3Fp-3D1453&d=DwMFaQ&c=ZbgFmJjg4pdtrnL2HUJUDw&r=mf7HBCZgyeugpUbWG8OZhPZmKt8TEofG-8Yv0q-StkM&m=OKmj9cPumnjV_GnIHW5EIJfl1so6sR13_3vxMTUwAaE&s=L4VYQrSmGpmLB0kCBXR8jqWJtdjlwGSjoCzS4sTU--8&e=> you now find

  *   all the slide decks,
  *   a link to the recording of the event,
  *   as well as a Q&A document providing feedback on questions raised in the chat during the webinar.
More on the industry working group "estimands in oncology" as available here: www.oncoestimand.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.oncoestimand.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=ZbgFmJjg4pdtrnL2HUJUDw&r=mf7HBCZgyeugpUbWG8OZhPZmKt8TEofG-8Yv0q-StkM&m=OKmj9cPumnjV_GnIHW5EIJfl1so6sR13_3vxMTUwAaE&s=L6Rt7Pr5NqytFMDicOMQbaBo5G55Vv0FRxJEsHdumBc&e=>

Please do not hesitate to share any feedback and suggestions for further improvement you might have!

Have a nice weekend!
Kaspar Rufibach, on behalf of the organizing committee
Kaspar Rufibach
Methods, Collaboration, and Outreach Group (MCO)
Department of Biostatistics
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel

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