[Statlist] Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, held on 24th to 28th of August.

Maurer Letizia letiziamaurer at ethz.ch
Thu Jun 25 18:48:51 CEST 2020

Please see the forwarded message below:


Dear all,

as a reaction to the current situation, a virtual alternative to the postponed 2020 Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Seoul has been set up. The meeting will allow all researchers from PhD student to established researchers to present and discuss with the community their latest research on probability and mathematical statistics! 

Please join the 

Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium 2020, held on 24th to 28th of August,

jointly organized by the Bernoulli Society, IMS and the One World Probability Project. The symposium will be virtual with many new experimental features. No registration fees apply!

The daily program will be arranged around live talks (each held twice to reach the entire planet):
- 4 plenary lectures: Emmanuel Candes (Stanford), Martin Hairer (London), Kerrie Mengersen (Queensland), Wendelin Werner (Zurich)
- 7 early career speakers

All researchers around the world are invited to submit abstracts for 10 minute talks by July 13th which will be assessed by the 23 session chairs. Accepted 10 minute talks will have to be produced before August 9th. They will appear on the website and the YouTube channel one week before the symposium. In slots during the symposium, every speaker of a prerecorded 10 minute talk will have the chance to discuss live with the audience in one of the 23 session zoom rooms. It will never be easier to reach a large audience with the little effort of producing a 10 minute video at home! It’s easy, just go for it!

To allow for discussions among participants, the symposium will run different kinds of interactive events. Have you ever participated in a workshop excursion of the world? Stay tuned!

Go to https://www.worldsymposium2020.org/ to see how you can participate and don’t forget to submit your abstract before July 13th!

Producing a 10 minute video is little work for maximum connectivity, give it a go and help us make this happen!

Please redistribute this mail as you like!

All the best and „see“ you in August,

Claudia Klüppelberg & Susan Murphy
Presidents Bernoulli Society & IMS

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