[Statlist] Open PhD position in statistics at University of Geneva

Olivier Renaud olivier.renaud at unige.ch
Wed Oct 28 11:08:07 CET 2020

I would appreciate it if you can forward this email to anyone who might 
be interested.

The Methodology and Data Analysis group ( https://www.unige.ch/fapse/mad 
) at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) is considering applications 
for a 4-year PhD position funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

The PhD student will be enrolled in the statistics PhD program and will 
be under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Renaud. The topic of the 
thesis focusses on the development of new methods in mixed effect models 
to be applied in psychology and in neurosciences. Broadly speaking, it 
will consist in both statistical and computational extensions of 
Frossard J, Renaud O (2019) Choosing the correlation structure of mixed 
effect models for experiments with stimuli. 
http://arxiv.org/abs/1903.10766 .

Ideal candidates would hold a Master in statistics, or a related field, 
have excellent skills in mathematical statistics, have excellent 
programming skills, be interested in interdisciplinary research, and be 
proficient in English.

Geneva is a great place to work and is noted for its international 
character and its high quality of life. The research environment is very 
interdisciplinary, with great conditions, the possibility to interact 
and to improve general and technical skills e.g. through programs for 
doctoral students.

It is a 70% position with a gross salary of CHF 3’618 per month (13 
times). A minimal involvement in teaching and administrative duties is 
expected. Depending on availability, the percentage (and salary!) can be 
increased in exchange for additional teaching duties.

For more information and to apply send an e-mail to 
mailto:Olivier.Renaud at unige.ch . Applications should include a short 
statement of research interests, CV, copies of Bachelor and Master 
degrees, including the grades obtained, and contact details of potential 
references, who can be contacted for more information.

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until 
the position has been filled.

Olivier Renaud https://www.unige.ch/fapse/mad/renaud/

full text: https://www.unige.ch/fapse/mad/openposition/

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