[Statlist] Open PostDoc position at the University of Geneva

Sebastian Engelke sebastian.engelke at unige.ch
Sun Apr 18 20:07:10 CEST 2021

The Research Center for Statistics invites applications for the 
following position opening opening July 1, 2021.

POSTDOC (100%)
Research Center for Statistics, University of Geneva

Statistical models for climate or weather extremes are based on extreme 
value theory. There is currently a high interest in modeling such 
extreme events in complex scenarios and high-dimensional data using 
different notions of sparsity. The prospective PostDoc will work on 
extreme value theory and statistics and should have further
experience in at least one of the following research areas: (i) spatial 
statistics; (ii) stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE); (iii) 
graphical models.

The PostDoc will be part of the group of Prof. Sebastian Engelke at 
University of Geneva. This position is financed by the collaborative 
research project entitled  "Sparse Models for Spatio-Temporal Extremes" 
at KAUST led by Prof. Raphael Huser. Active collaboration with the 
project partners is expected.

Profile of the candidate
The successful candidate holds a PhD in Statistics or Probability 
Theory. She/he has excellent programming skills and should be proficient 
in English.

- Type of appointment: Full time (100%) fixed term appointment; hired on 
a 1-year contract renewable for a maximum duration span of 2.5 years.
- Starting date: July 1st, 2021 (or slightly later).
- Employment conditions and remuneration in accordance with the 
standards of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

For further information please contact Prof. Sebastian Engelke 
(sebastian.engelke at unige.ch).

Please send your application documents including a CV, a motivation 
letter, transcripts and contact information for 3 references by e-mail 
to sebastian.engelke at unige.ch.


Dr. Sebastian Engelke
Assistant Professor
Research Center for Statistics
University of Geneva
CH-1205 Geneva

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