[Statlist] Zurich R Courses 2021

zhRcourses at psychologie.uzh.ch zhRcourses at psychologie.uzh.ch
Thu Jun 17 17:00:01 CEST 2021

Dear colleagues,

The "Zurich R Courses" are a continuing education program offered in cooperation of UZH and ETH Zurich. Within this program, we offer a series of introductory and specialized courses on data analysis and scientific programming with the free open-source software R, that are taught by international experts.

All of our courses are aimed at a broad public, with participants from academic, governmental, and professional fields. Some of the courses we offer are so specialized and otherwise hard to find, that participants are willing to travel even longer distances to Zurich. Therefore we would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to potentially interested colleagues.

Of course, we are observing the present Covid-19 situation, and are currently planning for in-person courses with strict hygiene obligations in the second half of 2021:

September 09-10 2021		"Introduction to R" --- Statistical Consulting Service, ETH Zurich

September 30-October 01 2021	"Introduction to programming in R" --- Dr. Dries Debeer, Benjamin Becker

October 07-08 2021		"R4all: An introduction to the basics of R"  --- Two of Prof. Owen Petchey, Dr. Andrew Beckerman, Dr. Dylan 
                                 Childs, Dr. Natalie Cooper

October 15 2021		        "Advanced programming in R"  --- Dr. Dries Debeer, Benjamin Becker

November 12 2020		"Anonymization of personal data with applications in R"  --- Dr. Matthias Templ

For further information and registration please visit:


We are looking forward to welcoming you again to our R courses.

Thank you very much!
Mirka Henninger
Zürcher R Kurse
c/o Psychologisches Institut der Universität Zürich
Fachrichtung Psychologische Methodenlehre, Evaluation und Statistik
Binzmühlestrasse 14, Box 27
CH-8050 Zürich

zhRcourses at psychologie.uzh.ch

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