[Statlist] 2nd call - Lambert Award for Young Statisticians 2021

Langel Matti (DF) matti.langel at etat.ge.ch
Tue May 11 12:11:24 CEST 2021

LAMBERT AWARD 2021 - Reminder : applications open until May 31, 2021 !

The Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) has established since 2013 the Johann Heinrich Lambert Award to recognise the work of young statisticians.

The Lambert Award 2021 consists of a certificate and prize money of 1000 Swiss Francs. It entitles to a plenary talk at the Swiss Statistics Meeting 2021 in Lugano (September 6-8, 2021).

Young statisticians (up to age 36) are invited to submit their work to the Jury of the Lambert Award before May 31, 2021.

Contributions in theoretical and applied statistics are welcome.

For application details, rules and other information on the Lambert Award see : http://lambert.stat.ch/

The jury of the 2021 Lambert Award is looking forward to your contributions!

Matti Langel
Responsable des études et méthodes

Département des finances et des ressources humaines (DF)
Office cantonal de la statistique (OCSTAT)
Route des Acacias 82
Case postale 1735 - 1211 Genève 26
Tél. : +41 22 388 75 46
Code acheminement interne : B602E3/OCSTAT

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