[Statlist] FW: 1st announcement: BBS/EFSPI HTA webinar 2022 on "Registries"

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Tue Feb 15 13:48:22 CET 2022

Dear Colleague,

This email is to inform you that the Basel Biometric Society (BBS) and the European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (EFSPI) have agreed to organize another Health Technology Assessment (HTA) virtual meeting this year, which is anticipated to last 2 hours and is expected to take place in the afternoon CET during the week of June 20, 2022.

The main topic and emphasis of this year's HTA webinar will be: "Registry studies".

During this scientific meeting, we aim to have a closer look at recent guidelines on this hot topic along with industry case studies that take into consideration the regulatory, reimbursement & patient perspectives, with additional focus on registries for rare diseases / special populations as well as the digital tools that are used to more efficiently collect patient data real-time.

Apart from this preliminary information, a few slots are still available if you would be interested in presenting (15 minutes) on this topic.

If so, please feel free to contact one the organizers: Pierre Verweij pierre.verweij at idorsia.com<mailto:pierre.verweij at idorsia.com>, François Aubin francois.aubin at vennlife.com<mailto:francois.aubin at vennlife.com> or Fred Sorenson fred.sorenson at xcenda.com<mailto:fred.sorenson at xcenda.com>.

A flyer with registration details will follow, most likely in mid-March, so please let the organizers know if you do not want to receive any further correspondence in this regard, and please feel free to share this information with your colleagues.

On behalf of the BBS and EFSPI,

Best regards

Fred Sorenson, MSc.
Assistant Director, Global Market Access & Support

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