[Statlist] Data Engineer Position at FSO

raphael.defondeville at bfs.admin.ch raphael.defondeville at bfs.admin.ch
Thu Jan 6 08:44:36 CET 2022

The Data Science Competence Center (https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/en/home/dscc/dscc.html ) at the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) invites applications for a data engineer.

At DSCC, we use data science and develop skills for the public good of Switzerland.  Our data engineers work on a diverse range of projects with the Swiss public Sector (federal offices, cantons, communes).

The FSO offers competitive salaries with a flexible working environment and arrangements for remote work. A very good command (C1 or C2) of German and English is required for the role.

German: https://jobs.admin.ch/offene-stellen/Data-Engineer/fa718218-cc1b-4147-81e7-c42d43f65de2

French: https://jobs.admin.ch/postes-vacants/data-engineer/b0e76d15-9c18-49d1-a259-f07023ad49bc

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