[Statlist] Position of General Manager (Data Scientist)

Tilmann Altwicker tilmann.altwicker at rwi.uzh.ch
Wed Nov 9 19:56:22 CET 2022

Dear Statlist-Members,

Please see the following job offer:


Thank you very much.

Best wishes, Tilmann Altwicker

Prof. Dr. Tilmann Altwicker
LL.M., DAS ETH in Applied Statistics
University of Zurich | Center for Legal Data Science | Chair of the Executive Board | https://www.clds.uzh.ch/en.html
Institute for International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law | SNSF-Professorship for Public Law, International Law, Legal Philosophy and Empirical Legal Research |Seilergraben 49 | CH - 8001 Zurich |Phone: +41 44 634 51 13
Email: tilmann.altwicker at rwi.uzh.ch<mailto:tilmann.altwicker at rwi.uzh.ch> |www.ivr.uzh.ch/altwicker<http://www.ivr.uzh.ch/altwicker>

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