[Statlist] Data Scientist position (30%) - Center for Legal Data Science, University of Zurich

Zhivko Taushanov zhivko.taushanov at rwi.uzh.ch
Mon Mar 20 17:38:19 CET 2023

Dear all,

The Center for Legal Data Science of the University of Zurich is searching for a Data Scientist (30%).

Please find more information here:  https://jobs.uzh.ch/offene-stellen/data-scientist/13463770-f419-4b31-947c-b9ff1de416f5

Thank you.

Kind regards, Zhivko Taushanov

Zhivko Taushanov PhD,
University of Zurich | Center for Legal Data Science (CLDS)
Freiensteinstrasse 5 | CH-8032 Zürich | Phone: (+41) 44 634 61 02

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