[Statlist] ETH/UZH Research Seminar on Statistics by Boaz Nadler, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 04.04.2023
Maurer Letizia
letiziamaurer at ethz.ch
Thu Mar 30 10:55:21 CEST 2023
We are glad to announce the following talk in the ETH/UZH Research Seminar on Statistics:
"Spectral Methods for Reconstructing Trees"
by Boaz Nadler, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Time: Tuesday, 04.04.2023 at 15.15 h
Place: ETH Zurich, HG G 19.2
Abstract: Tree graphical models are common statistical models for data in a wide variety of applications. Tree models are particularly popular in phylogenetics, where an important task is to infer the evolutionary history of current species. Given observations at the leaves of the tree, a common problem is to reconstruct the tree's latent structure. We present two simple spectral-based methods for tree recovery:
(i) A bottom up spectral neighbor joining method (SNJ); and
(ii) STDR - a spectral based top down method.
We prove that under suitable assumptions, both methods are consistent and derive finite sample recovery guarantees. We illustrate the competitive performance of our algorithms in comparison with popular tree recovery methods.
Seminar website: https://math.ethz.ch/sfs/news-and-events/research-seminar.html
Research Seminar – Seminar for Statistics | ETH Zurich
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