[Statlist] [LIKE23] Last days before LIKE23 contributed video submission deadline

David Ginsbourger david.ginsbourger at unibe.ch
Tue May 30 09:52:42 CEST 2023

Dear all,

The submission deadline for LIKE23 contributed videos is approaching 
(June 2nd, AOE)!


Also, registration to the LIKE23 Community is (free and) still open:


Best wishes,

David Ginsbourger

*Lifting Inference with Kernel Embeddings: June 26-30 2023, Bern*

LIKE23 is a research school and workshop with main topics:

·      - kernel embeddings from theory to applications,

·- recent advances in Gaussian Process modelling,

·- active learning for accelerated inference.

Current list of speakers: https://like23-bern.github.io/speakers/ 

The program of the first two days is regularly updated, see


Registration to the LIKE23 Community is open: 
https://like23-bern.github.io/ <https://like23-bern.github.io/>

Submission deadline for contributed videos: June 2^nd , 2023


*Call for submission of contributed videos *

LIKE23 calls for short contributions by early-career researchers (at 
both graduate student and postdoc levels) in form of short videos.

Contributed video presentations of maximum 5 minutes should be submitted 
in MP4 or MOV format to https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/LIKE2023/ 
<https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/LIKE2023/>until June 2nd 2023 23:59 
anytime on earth.

There will be dedicated time during the event to broadcast selected 
contributions and also to have a Question and Answer session with 
finalists competing for prizes awarded by the Scientific Committee. 500 
Swiss Francs will be awarded for the top-ranked video in each category 
(graduate student and postdoc level, respectively).

Note that a short summary possibly including a few selected references 
can be provided via the abstract field of the submission website. When 
provided, the additional material will be available in the video 

Prof. Dr. David Ginsbourger
Director of Studies in Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Bern
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