[Statlist] University of Bern, Professorship in Applied Stochastics
lutz.duembgen at unibe.ch
lutz.duembgen at unibe.ch
Thu Nov 2 17:14:10 CET 2023
The Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science of the University of Bern is looking to hire a Professor of Applied Stochastics.
Your profile
The position holder should have demonstrated excellence in research in applied stochastics, interpreted in a wide sense, bridging the gap between mathematical foundations of probability or statistics and applications, for instance, to climate science, epidemiology, finance and insurance, evolutionary genetics, or space science.
It is imperative that the successful applicant has a track record of application-oriented research accompanied by a strong publication record in leading journals in probability and statistics. Experience in successfully obtaining external funding is highly desirable. It is expected that the future position holder fosters interdisciplinary collaboration with other research groups at the University of Bern and on the national and international level.
The position will be filled at the level of assistant professor tenure track, extraordinary professor, or ordinary (full) professor, depending on the level of the successful candidate. The position is particularly suitable for highly qualified young scientists. Job sharing is an option for this position and corresponding applications are welcome. The salary level is determined by the salary scales of the Canton of Bern.
The University of Bern has set the aim of increasing the percentage of women in leading academic positions and thus strongly encourages qualified female scientists to apply for the position.
Your application
Interested candidates should send their application dossier containing a motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae, list of publications, indicating their 5 most relevant publications, a short synopsis of their past, current and planned research, as well as a teaching and service record, as a single PDF file to the Dean’s Office, email: applications.natdek at unibe.ch, and submit the completed online questionnaire, link to be found at https://www.imsv.unibe.ch/about_us/open_professorship.
Deadline for applications is December 15, 2023.
Informal inquiries can be addressed to:
Prof. Dr. David Ginsbourger, email: david.ginsbourger at unibe.ch
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