[Statlist] Ascona Workshop: Spatial and temporal statistical modeling in molecular biology. 8-13 Sep 2024 at Congressi Stefano Franscini in Ascona, CH An: SfS-sekr <sekretariat at stat.math.ethz.ch>

Maurer Letizia letiziamaurer at ethz.ch
Mon Nov 27 14:06:01 CET 2023

 We are excited to announce the Ascona Workshop 

“Spatial and Temporal Statistical Modeling in Molecular Biology” 

in Ascona, Switzerland, 8-13 September 2024, looking at statistical, computational and machine learning methods and applications to spatial biological data at different length scales, from the nucleus and spatial omics of tissues to ecosystems and planetary-scale biology.  More info at https://spatialbio.net

Confirmed speakers:
- Peer Bork, EMBL
- Maria Cristina Gambetta, Univ. of Lausanne
- Shila Ghazanfar, Univ. of Sydney
- Stefanie Hicks, Johns Hopkins University
- Dmitry Kobak, Univ. of Tübingen
- Anna Kreshuk, EMBL
- Andreas Moor, ETH
- Emma Schymanski, Univ. of Luxemburg
- Ewa Szczurek, Univ. of Warsaw
- Virginie Uhlmann, Univ. of Zürich
- Lara Urban, Technical University Munich / Helmholtz Center

We invite you to submit proposals for contributed presentations and posters!

Pre-registration is open now until 22 April 2024. Instructions at https://spatialbio.net

With kind regards from the organizers
Niko Beerenwinkel, ETH
Valentina Boeva, ETH 
Peter Bühlmann, ETH
Wolfgang Huber, EMBL

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