[Statlist] Postdoc Position from 1/2024 in Psychometrics/Machine Learning at University of Zurich
Carolin Strobl
carolin.strobl at psychologie.uzh.ch
Fri Sep 1 14:04:14 CEST 2023
Dear colleagues,
starting in January 2024, a Postdoc position will be available in my group at the University of Zurich.
I would really appreciate if you could forward the job ad below to anyone who might be interested!
In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you!
Best regards,
Carolin Strobl
PostDoc Position in Psychometrics/Statistics/Machine Learning
100% (or part-time)
from 1/2024
Starting in January 2024, a PostDoc position (full or part time) is available in the workgroup for Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics of Prof. Dr. Carolin Strobl at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
The research focus of the workgroup is the development of new statistical methods in psychometrics and machine learning. The duties of the job holder include:
- the development, validation and application of new psychometric and/or machine learning methods as well as their implementation in the open-source software R,
- the presentation of research results in journal articles and at international conferences with a methodological focus, but also the communication of the results to and the cooperation with applied research groups,
- a moderate amount of teaching and supervision of Bachelor and Master theses,
- a moderate amount of statistical consulting for members of the Department of Psychology,
- a moderate amount of other services for the chair or the Zurich R Courses continuing education program in collaboration with administrative staff and student helpers.
The position is intended for academic qualification and offers the opportunity for independent research and acquisition of third party funding, as well as the opportunity for further formal qualification (Habilitation) if desired. The contract will initially be limited to three years with a possibility for extension to a maximum of six years (as usual for qualification positions in the Swiss university system).
The position is affiliated to the Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich located in Zurich Oerlikon and offers an outstanding work and research environment as well as attractive gratification. The workgroup for Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics is active and well connected both locally and internationally, for example through the “Psychoco” international workshops on psychometric computing.
Successful applicants have a degree and PhD in psychology with a strong emphasis on methodology or a degree and PhD in statistics or a related discipline with a strong interest in psychological research questions, previous experience with psychometrics (in particular with Item Response Theory) and/or machine learning, good programming skills in R, publication experience and teaching experience in statistics, psychometrics and/or machine learning, as well as very good English language skills. Applicants are expected to have or acquire knowledge of the German language within one year. Language courses are supported.
Applications including cover letter, CV, lists of teaching experience and publications, copies of diplomas and a single-page summary of the dissertation topic in English should be sent electronically in a single pdf document by Friday, September 22, 2023, to:
methoden at psychologie.uzh.ch
Universität Zürich
Prof. Dr. Carolin Strobl
Lehrstuhl für Psychologische Methodenlehre, Evaluation und Statistik
Psychologisches Institut
Binzmühlestrasse 14, Box 27
CH-8050 Zürich
carolin.strobl at psychologie.uzh.ch
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