Giusi Moffa giusi.moffa at unibas.ch
Mon Dec 9 09:01:23 CET 2024

*** ISCB46 – Call for abstracts, August 24-29, 2025***

The Local Organizing Committee and Scientific Programme Committee for the 46th Annual Conference of the ISCB<https://iscb2025.info/> are pleased to announce that

the call for abstracts<https://iscb2025.info/calls.html> is now open until Friday, February 14th, 2025. The deadline will not be extended.

ISCB46 will take place in Basel, Switzerland from August 24th to 29th.

We promise an exciting scientific program! Prof. Erica Moodie (McGill University) and Prof. Ian Marschner (University of Sydney) will be the Keynote Speaker and President’s Invited Speaker, respectively. On Sunday, pre-conference courses will be offered on a variety of topics. The scientific
program will include invited sessions, oral contributed sessions, posters as well as mini-symposia.

This edition of the conference will draw inspiration from the theme: "Statistical Thinking Across Borders: Building Bridges and Expanding Horizons in Clinical Biostatistics".

Please visit the conference website (https://iscb2025.info) for more information on abstract submission, registration, awards, the social program and important dates.

The ISCB46 Local and Scientific Organizing Committees are looking forward to welcoming you to Basel.

Dr. Giusi Moffa (she/her) | Assistant Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science | University of Basel
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/giusimoffa/

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