[Statlist] Data Science for the Sciences Conference, April 11-12, Bern
Guillaume Obozinski
guillaume.obozinski at epfl.ch
Fri Feb 16 17:42:10 CET 2024
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Dear Data Science community,
We are thrilled to announce that registration for the first Swiss Conference on Data Science for the Sciences (Bern, April 11-12, 2024) is open! Take advantage of the early bird registration until March 1st, 2024<https://datascience.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=96c8f3d73997bd6bc4876471e&id=c6c1bdb961&e=d643ac6720>.
The Data Science for the Sciences (DS4S) conference provides a forum where experts working on different facets of data science from Statistical Data Science to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can meet and exchange ideas. DS4S will feature presented contributions on topics encompassing AI for Medicine, Physics-Guided Machine Learning for Climate Modelling, AI & Robotics, Privacy safeguarding, Causality and Neuroscience. Open Research Data will also be put to the fore via a dedicated session.
Additionally, we warmly invite you to participate in our poster sessions! Abstracts of posters can already be submitted, even before registration, via the following link<https://datascience.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=96c8f3d73997bd6bc4876471e&id=64082cde08&e=d643ac6720>. Prizes will be awarded for the top-ranked contributions in (1) Data Science methods for theSciences and (2) Open Research Data !
To be noted: Abstracts should be submitted at the latest before March 15th. Poster abstracts submitted by February 21st will receive an early decision by February 25th for participants to benefit from early bird registration rates.
Stay updated on the program and find out more about our speakers<https://datascience.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=96c8f3d73997bd6bc4876471e&id=7269505ed2&e=d643ac6720>.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Casino Bern on this very special occasion!
David Ginsbourger
University of Bern
Guillaume Obozinski
Swiss Data Science Center
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