[Statlist] Meeting: ERC briefing webinar

Sofia Charlotta Olhede sofia.olhede at epfl.ch
Fri Jun 7 06:20:56 CEST 2024

Dear All,
As a common understanding was announced in December https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/lac/news/switzerland-be-eligible-host-erc-grants-2024-calls between the EU and ERC regarding funding, I am forwarding this announcement of a webinar

3rd ERC Information Webinar for Statisticians on Funding Opportunities
FENStatS announces the 3rd ERC Funding Opportunities Webinar for

The FENStatS Executive Committee is pleased to announce the 3rd ERC
Information Webinar for Statisticians on Funding Opportunities. This event
is in partnership with the European Research Council (ERC) and will be
held on June 14, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (CEST).

Attendance requires advanced registration for the event at

The webinar link will follow to registered participants a day before the

The webinar program:

11:00 – Opening, Lola Ugarte, FENStatS president

11:05 – Maria Gonzalez, ERC Scientific Officer
Presentation of the available grants, how to apply for them and the
general framework of evaluations.

11:35 – Testimonials
Experience of grantees preparing their submissions and the interviewing
Stijn Vansteelandt
AdG 2023 PE1
Project: Assumption-Lean (Causal) Modelling and Estimation: A Paradigm
Shift from Traditional Statistical Modelling
Ander Kock
CoG 2023 SH1
Project: High-Dimensional Hypothesis Testing
Giacomo Zanella
StG 2022 PE1
Project: Provable Scalability for high-dimensional Bayesian Learning

12:15 – Q&A

12:30 – Webinar closing

Sofia Olhede
sofia.olhede at epfl.ch
Professeure ordinaire de statistique

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