[Statlist] Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Business Analytics and Statistics @ RISIS, GSEM, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Diego Kuonen Diego.Kuonen at unige.ch
Mon Mar 4 12:52:25 CET 2024

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Business Analytics and Statistics

Research Institute for Statistics and Information Science (RISIS),

Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM),

University of Geneva, Switzerland

We are seeking for high-potential candidates in business analytics and applied statistics. The candidate is expected to make fundamental interdisciplinary contributions in research on how to manage, analyse, and utilise data in strategic, tactical, and operational decision making. Analytics being a core strategic area of the GSEM, this full-time position involves teaching analytics classes at all levels, and from the beginning in GSEM’s successful Master in Business Analytics, including the supervision of related internships and master theses. The candidate is expected to develop research at an international level in their field of specialization and to obtain external funding. The candidate is also expected to assume management and organizational tasks related to her function at the RISIS and to be engaged its community, to actively collaborate with its various stakeholders, and to contribute to its interdisciplinary initiatives.

Further information (including candidate profile) at


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