[Statlist] PhD Position on Climate Extremes at University of Geneva

Sebastian Engelke Sebastian.Engelke at unige.ch
Sun May 12 18:01:14 CEST 2024

The Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) at the University of Geneva is opening a Research and Teaching Assistant position (100%) at the Research Center for Statistics (RCS). The successful candidate will join Professor Sebastian Engelke’s research group. The research group focuses on statistical models for extreme events in complex scenarios with underlying graphical structures, and on exploring connections to high-dimensional inference, machine learning and causality. The focus of this position is the statistical analysis of climate extremes such as heat waves or floods. The selected candidate is expected to work at the interface of statistics, extreme value theory and climate sciences.

In addition to working on their research, the successful candidate will act as Teaching Assistant for various courses, both at the Bachelor level and the Master level. The tasks involve for instance running some tutorials, preparing exam questions, grading exams, and supervising master’s thesis. The assistant will also provide support for the research activities of Professor Engelke.

The chosen candidate will be hired on a 2-year contract renewable. The assistant position has a maximum duration span of 5 years. The first 3 months constitute a trial period during which both parties can terminate the working agreement with a 1-month notice period.

Job qualifications & requirements:
- Master degree in Statistics, Probability Theory, Climate Science or a related field;
- Strong interest in at least one of these fields: extreme value theory, climate science, causality, machine learning;
- Excellent programming skills;
- Excellent oral and written English skills.

Starting Date: September 1st, 2024, or date to be agreed upon.

Applications: Your application must include a motivation letter, a detailed CV including contact information for 2 references, grade transcripts of Bachelor/Master, and Bachelor/Master theses (if available).

Applications must be submitted exclusively via the University of Geneva website

Applications must be submitted by May 31st, 2024 (midnight, Geneva time).

For further inquiries about the position, please do not hesitate to contact Professor Engelke (Sebastian.Engelke at unige.ch).

Dr. Sebastian Engelke
Associate Professor
Research Center for Statistics
University of Geneva
CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland

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