[Statlist] PhD position at University of Lausanne

Rousson Valentin Valentin.Rousson at unisante.ch
Tue Nov 5 17:47:30 CET 2024

Dear list members,

We are currently looking for a PhD candidate in Biostatistics (100%) at the Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisante), affiliated to the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Framework: The PhD will be carried out under the supervision of Dr Isabella Locatelli from the Biostatistics Group of the Department of Epidemiology and Health Systems of Unisante. The duration of the project will be 4 years. Upon accomplishment, the candidate will obtain a PhD degree in Life Sciences - mention Biostatistics - from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) of the University of Lausanne (UNIL). The remuneration will be based on the salary scales applied by the SNF for a Doctoral student (roughly 50'000 CHF per year).

Topic: The project is entitled "Projecting life expectancies for real populations" and lies at the crossroads of epidemiology and demography with a strong component of Biostatistics. Whereas traditional demographic concepts of period and cohort life expectancies typically involve extinct or fictitious populations, the concept of "population life expectancy" will concern a real population living at a given time in a given place. To estimate this concept, we will need to project mortality trends into the future, using dedicated statistical models. The new concept will enable to address various questions at individual level (e.g. how many more years can one expect to live), societal level (e.g. how to organize financing of pensions) and scientific level (e.g. what has been the real impact of Covid-19 on mortality). Links with other classical demographic concepts (such as weighted standardized mortality rates) will be studied, and an extension to the concept of "good health population life expectancy" will be developed.

Profile: The candidate must hold a master's degree in statistics, mathematics, demography, epidemiology, actuarial sciences or another field deemed equivalent, be comfortable with R software, have a good command of English and, ideally, a conversational level of French. The doctoral thesis will be written in English.

Deadline: The official deadline for application is December 15, 2024 (will be extended if needed). The starting date will be decided in agreement with the future candidate (could be February 1, 2025).

Interested candidates must apply via the following URL:


If you have specific questions related to the project, please contact isabella.locatelli at unisante.ch<mailto:isabella.locatelli at unisante.ch>.

Prof Valentin Rousson
Unisante - Departement Epidemiologie et Systemes de Sante
Route de Berne 113 | Bureau 03/314
CH-1010 Lausanne
Tél direct : +41 (0)21 314 7328

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