[Statlist] ROeS2025 Conference – Calls and conference topics

Antonietta Mira antonietta.mira at usi.ch
Thu Oct 10 14:22:31 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues,

the ROeS2025 conference , organized by the Austro-Swiss Region (ROeS) of the International Biometric Society (IBS), 
will take place from 14-18 September, 2025, at the Medical University of Graz in Graz, Austria.

Since 2021, the Swiss Statistical Society is collaborating with the ROeS in the organization of the event, and a member of the board of the Swiss Statistical Society is part of the scientific committee.

The call for invited and topic-contributed session is now online. Key dates as well as the conference topics are also available on the conference website.

Antonietta Mira
On behalf of the scientific team

Conference topics
1. Bayesian methods
2. Biomarkers 
3. Causal inference 
4. Censored data, time-to-event analysis
5. Clinical trial designs (adaptive and platform designs, external controls, …)
6. Diagnostics 
7. Ecological and agricultural statistics
8. Epidemiology 
9. Estimands
10. Evidence synthesis (meta-analyses, …)
11. High dimensional data, functional data, genetic and omics data
12. Machine learning and data science (federated learning, …)
13. Mathematical modelling (compartmental models, individual-based models, …)
14. Missing data 
15. Nonparametric methods
16. Open and reproducible research
17. Preclinical drug development, safety and toxicology
18. Psychometrics
19. Software engineering 
20. Spatial modelling
21. Statistical hypothesis testing
22. Statistical modelling  (regression modelling, prediction models, longitudinal modelling, …)

Antonietta Mira

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