Giusi Moffa giusi.moffa at unibas.ch
Thu Oct 10 16:32:17 CEST 2024

*** ISCB46 – Call for pre-conference courses to be held on Sunday, August 24, 2025***

The call for short courses<https://iscb2025.info/calls.html> is now open until Sunday, January 5th, 2025.

The Scientific Programme Committee and Local Organizing Committee for the 46th Annual Conference of the ISCB<https://iscb2025.info/> are pleased to announce that we are seeking proposals for pre-conference courses to be included within the conference programme. The courses will be held on Sunday, August 24, 2025.

If you would like to submit a course for consideration, please submit your proposal through conftool
(see the website at https://iscb2025.info/) with the following details:

  *   Title of the course
  *   Course presenters
  *   Position and affiliation of course presenters
  *   Contact details of course presenters including email address
  *   Full day or half day
  *   Short abstract of the course, including main topics and learning objectives [300 words]
  *   Technical level of the course (low, moderate, high)
  *   Upper limit for number of participants (if desired)
  *   Reason why the course would be appealing to attendees of ISCB conference [300 words]

Please see the website https://iscb2025.info/calls.html for further details.

This edition of the conference will draw inspiration from the theme: "Statistical Thinking Across Borders: Building Bridges and Expanding Horizons in Clinical Biostatistics".

Dr. Giusi Moffa | Assistant Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science | University of Basel
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/giusimoffa/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/in/giusimoffa/__;!!N3hqHg43uw!vl1h_8Hb2NDh0jmNOLyT0UGRW0r4NazymQxNHEQdmwj1HMMMJYwz3qudpVVdPuaLJZdfaS9YLhTc4ia9Q3PX78N1-JM$>

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