[Statlist] Seminar ueber Statistik

Christina Kuenzli kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Jun 2 09:58:13 CEST 2003

                       ETH and University of Zurich 
      Proff. A.D. Barbour -- P. Buehlmann -- F. Hampel -- H.R. Kuensch 

           We are pleased to announce the following seminar

  June 6, 2003, 15.15
  Leonhardstrasse 27, 8006 Zürich, LEO C15

  Guilt by association: detecting human disease genes by analyzing DNA
  sequence patterns

  Anja Wille, Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zentrum

The human genome - comprising approximately 3 billion nucleotide bases
on 23 chromosome pairs - makes up the master blueprint
for building a human being. While all human beings are 99.9%
genetically identical, the remaining 0.1% variation in DNA sequence is
responsible for our biological and physical differences. Most of the
variants in our DNA sequence have no strong impact. Yet, some of them
affect our health and possibly cause severe diseases.

Due to re-occurring mutations, variations in the human DNA sequence have
arisen over time and have been inherited from one generation to the next.
However, only half of each individuals genetic information is passed on to
the next generation following a "semi-random" inheritance scheme: Two
variations that are physically linked on a chromosome are more likely to
be passed on together than variations on different chromosomes.

Therefore, statistical analysis of co-inheritance patterns among
variations can reveal information on their relative physical distance.
More importantly, based on the co-inheritance between genomic variants and
genetic diseases, disease-triggering mutations can be approximately
localized on the chromosome.  In my talk, I will present the biological
background as well as statistical methods used to carry out such "mapping"
of disease genes. Furthermore, the effects of new technologies on the
analysis will be discussed.

(LEO is close to the main building, across the hill-side station of the
Overview maps of ETH : http://www.ethz.ch/search/orientation_en.asp

Further information: Christina Kuenzli, Statistics Seminar of ETH Zurich 

Everybody is kindly invited
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Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich
Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology Zurich
Christina Kuenzli            <kuenzli at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Seminar fuer Statistik      
Leonhardstr. 27,  LEO D11          phone: +41 1 632 3438         
ETH-Zentrum,                       fax  : +41 1 632 1228 
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland        http://stat.ethz.ch/~

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