[Statlist] Workshop : Calibration tools for survey statisticians

QUALITÉ Lionel lionel.qualite at unine.ch
Wed Apr 20 16:23:14 CEST 2005

University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Thursday 08-09-2005 and Friday 09-09-2005

The Swiss Statistical Society and the University of Neuchâtel organize a workshop on the calibration tools for survey statisticians. The workshop includes a short course on calibration, several presentations of different calibration softwares, with applications to survey data.

Program :

Calibration tools for survey statisticians
Université de Neuchâtel
Aula du bâtiment principal
Avenue du 1er Mars 26,
2000, Neuchâtel, Suisse
Thursday, September 8, 2005
14h-15h45       Yves Tillé (Université de Neuchâtel)
                        Calage (mini cours d'introduction)

15h45-16h05   Pause
16h05-17h       Anne Cornali Schweingruber and Ueli Oetliker 
			(Office fédéral de la statistique)
			Gewichtung der Einkommens- und Verbrauchserhebung (EVE): 
			Anwendungsbeispiel einer Kalibrierung
Friday, September 9, 2005
9h30-10h30     Piero Falorsi (Istat, Italia) 
			A generalized software for sampling 
			errors estimation in surveys 
10h30-11h30   Olivier Sautory (Insee, France) 
			Présentation de la macro Calmar

11h30-12h30   Camille Vanderhoeft (Statistics Belgium) 
			Presentation of g-Calib
14h-15h       Harm Jan Boonstra (Statistics Netherlands) 
			Weighting sample surveys with Bascula
15h-16h       Guillaume Chauvet (Crest-Ensai, France) 
			Comparaison de trois logiciels de calage

16h-17h       Jean-Claude Deville (Crest-Ensai, France)
			L'avenir du calage

The registration form and program are available at :

Please note that the registration fee should be paid before July 31st.

Lionel Qualité and Yves Tillé
Université de Neuchâtel

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