[Statlist] OECD factbook
Werner Stahel
stahel at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Apr 27 19:17:24 CEST 2005
OECD offers its factbook at a reduced price to SSS members.
If you are interested, continue reading...
The web page
provides special access to the announcement, with a discount
A promotional text follows.
(We do not intend to forward such offers on a broad basis --
but OECD seems to be a special case. -- W. Stahel)
- The OECD factbook brings together 100 indicators giving a global overview
of world economic, social and environmental trends. They are grouped into ten
chapters: Population and Migration, Macroeconomic Trends, Economic
Globalisation, Prices, Labour Markets, Science and Technology, Environment,
Education, Public Policies, Quality of life and a special chapter dedicated
to Energy.
- These 100 indicators are systematically presented with clear tables and
graphs, each accompanied texts giving definitions of the indicators used,
comments on the extent of comparability of data from national sources, and a
guide to other statistical and analytic publications from the OECD. The text
is essential to understand where the data come from and how they can be used.
- Under each table and graph, a StatLink reference enables readers to
immediately download the original data in excel format. The OECD Factbook is
the first publication to extensively use this new function, providing the
ultimate combination of print and online access to statistical information,
allowing readers to directly insert original OECD data into their own
The OECD Factbook was launched on March 15th, but some sample pages are
available for you to browse on our dedicated web site:
www.oecd.org/publications/factbook . It is the first ever statistical
publication to cover the full spectrum of the OECD's work, and truly reflects
the concerted efforts of statisticians from all member countries who have
worked, over many years, to develop this wide range of statistics.
I would therefore like to offer a special 30% discount to all members of your
organisation. You will find enclosed an appropriate order form which you can
forward to them or post on your web site. If you wish to publish this offer
in your Newsletter, we can also provide you with an image of the OECD
Factbook cover and a short abstract. If you have an area in your web site
which is restricted to members only, we can also easily create an affiliate
link to our online bookshop. Of course, if you have other ideas how to
promote this offer to your members, then please contact me.
The OECD Factbook has been built by the OECD to become your daily reference
for comparable, country based economic, environmental and social data, and I
hope you and your colleagues will enjoy reading and referring to it
I would just like to end this letter by saying that the OECD is a major
producer of international statistics, both in print and online. I would be
delighted to explore with you all the potential ways of making those
statistics more accessible to your members, so please do get in touch!
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