[Statlist] ISCB27 Geneva 2006

Dr. Diego Kuonen kuonen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 09:04:34 CET 2005

27-31 Aug 2006: International Society for Clinical Biostatistics: ISCB27

The annual ISCB conference fosters collaboration between the academic
community, government agencies, and biomedical research organisations.

ISCB 2006 in Geneva will provide a forum for the international exchange of
methods, applications, and theory of biostatistics in medical research and
medical practice.

Info: david_w_warne at bluewin.ch Chair, Local Organising Committee
       edler at dkfz-heidelberg.de Chair, Scientific Programme Committee

www.iscb2006.info has all the latest information on the invited sessions,
abstract submission, social programme and registration.

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