[Statlist] Announcement of a Meeting on "Asymptotics: particles, processes and inverse problems"

Lutz Duembgen lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
Thu Dec 22 14:41:02 CET 2005


Dear colleague,

We like to inform you about the following meeting:

Asymptotics: Particles, Processes and Inverse Problems
On the occasion of the 65th birthday of Piet Groeneboom

July 10 - 14, 2006

Leiden, The Netherlands

Web Page: 

We invite you to register for the meeting at 

The meeting is split in a 3-days workshop from Monday July 10 until 
Wednesday July 12, and a 2-days follow up meeting on Thursday July 13 
and Friday July 14 in which a few experts will present their work to 
young researchers. We are very happy that the following people already 
have agreed to present a talk in the 3-days workshop on July 10-12:

David Aldous (Berkeley)
Lucien Birgé (Paris VI)
Lutz Dümbgen (University of Bern)
Persi Diaconis (Stanford)
Pablo Ferrari (USP, Sao Paulo)
Sara van de Geer (ETH Zürich)
Richard Gill (Utrecht University)
Jian Huang (University of Iowa)
Niels Keiding (University Copenhagen)
Steve Lalley (University of Chicago)
Enno Mammen (University of Mannheim)
David Pollard (Yale University)
Timo Seppälläinen (University of Wisconsin)
Aad van der Vaart (VU Amsterdam)
Jon Wellner (University of Washington)

Lutz Dümbgen, Pablo Ferrari, and Piet Groeneboom have agreed to present 
lectures in the follow up meeting. During the 3-days workshop there will 
be 4 to 6 talks per day, so that ample time is available for informal 
discussions. During the 2-day follow up meeting there will be 2 talks 
before and after lunch, so that even more time is available for informal 
discussions and working together. Each participant will be assigned a 
desk and a computer account at one of the 20 offices available for the 
full 5 days. All offices are equipped with a whiteboard, desks and a PC, 
which runs linux as well as windows and which has access to the 
internet. In addition, each room has a hookup for connecting a laptop to 
the internet.

Registration fee: € 70

The organizers,

Eric Cator
Geurt Jongbloed
Cor Kraaikamp
Rik Lopuhaä
Jon Wellner

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