[Statlist] PhD position (candidat-doctorant, candoc) in statistical analysis of EEG signal at University of Geneva.

Olivier Renaud Olivier.Renaud at pse.unige.ch
Sat Apr 1 16:50:45 CEST 2006

Opening for a PhD position (candidat-doctorant, candoc) funded by the Swiss 
National Science Foundation at the University of Geneva. The project is 
funded for one year, but an extension is expected (pending an additional 
evaluation by NSF based on an intermediate report). Starting date is May 
1st or upon agreement.

The statistical part of the project that will be carried by the candidate 
concerns new methods for the analysis of EEG signal. Some keyword-methods 
that are likely to be used in this research: random field, 
time-frequency/wavelets, mixed effect models. You may contact Olivier 
Renaud (mailto:Olivier.Renaud at pse.unige.ch) or Christian Mazza 
(mailto:Christian.Mazza at math.unige.ch) for more details on the statistical 
part of the project.

The candidate is expected to work in close collaboration with researchers 
using EEG, and especially with a PhD candidate in psychology involved on 
the same project.

Ideal candidate would hold a Master in Statistics and
* Strong mathematical background,
* Statistical training,
* Interest in multidisciplinary research, and ability to interact and 
collaborate with researchers in psychology,
* willing to learn on EEG techniques and analyses, and on research in 

Please email your application letter, a CV and the names of two referees to 
Olivier Renaud (mailto:Olivier.Renaud at pse.unige.ch). Use the same email for 
any further inquiry.

Olivier Renaud
Christian Mazza
Claude-Alain Hauert

Olivier.Renaud at pse.unige.ch        http://www.unige.ch/~renaud/
Methodology and Data Analysis  -   Section of Psychology - FPSE
University of Geneva - 40, Bd du Pont d'Arve - CH-1211 Geneva 4

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