[Statlist] JOB: Statistics post-doc at EPFL, Switzerland

Anthony Davison Anthony.Davison at epfl.ch
Mon Apr 3 16:40:52 CEST 2006

A position for a full-time post-doctoral researcher is available in  
the Chair of
Statistics at EPFL (http://stat.epfl.ch), to work on methodological
issues associated with the NCCR on Plant Survival (http:// 
A broad range of topics could be investigated: work to date has involved
modelling of wasp behaviour, prediction of pests in vineyards,  
statistical metabolic
profiling, development of methods for analysis of microarray data,  
and other
related projects.

The post-doc position will entail methodological research, some  
applied consulting
with other members of the NCCR, and some teaching of undergraduate  
and graduate

The successful candidate will have a recent PhD in statistics or a  
closely related
field, an active command of modern statistical methods including  
computational skills and a good knowledge of R, an open and
enquiring mind, and a good command of written and spoken English.
Experience of working with biologists and knowledge of French would  
be advantages
but are not essential.

EPFL (http://www.epfl.ch), one of Europe's leading scientific and  
technological universities,
is situated in Lausanne, in the Western, French-speaking, part of  
Switzerland, close to
the picturesque shore of Lake Leman.   It is close to the Jura and  
the Alps, and all
they offer, and within a few hours by train from Paris and Milan.   
The proximity of
Geneva airport means that most major European cities may easily be  

The post is available for two years in the first instance, and will  
be filled as soon as

Candidates should send a CV and the names of three referees to  
Anthony.Davison at epfl.ch,
from whom further details may be obtained.

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer.

Professor A. C. Davison
Institute of Mathematics
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne IMA-FSB-EPFL, Station 8
Switzerland                       Tel: + 41 (0)21 693 5502
                                   Sec: + 41 (0)21 693 2565
http://statwww.epfl.ch/           Fax: + 41 (0)21 693 4250

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