[Statlist] job announcements

Webmaster SSS ssswww at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue Mar 14 16:12:13 CET 2006

Dear Members,

on our website you will find new job announcements.

- The SAKK- Swiss Group Clinical Cancer Research in Switzerland is offering a
  position as a Biostatistician

- The PPD in Glasgow is looking for Experienced

- Nestle Research Center in Switzerland offers a positon as a


Susanne Kaiser-Heinzmann
Seminar fuer Statistik                         phone  : +41 1 632 65 18    
ETH-Zentrum, LEO                               fax    : +41 1 632 12 28
CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland                    Leonhardstr, 27, D 8

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