[Statlist] JOB: Chair in Biostatistics at EPFL (Tenure-track assistant professorship)

Anne-Lise Courvoisier anne-lise.courvoisier at epfl.ch
Mon Oct 22 10:42:10 CEST 2007

EPFL seeks candidates for a tenure-track assistant professor position in biostatistics, with emphasis on statistical genomics and related fields.

The appointment will be joint between the Schools of Basic Sciences and of Life Sciences.

The successful candidate will establish and lead a vigorous independent research program, interact with existing major genetic and genomic projects in the Lake Geneva region, and be committed to excellence in teaching at all levels.

Significant start-up resources and research infrastructure will be available.

Applications should be made by January 15th, 2008 via <http://sbpositions.epfl.ch/applications/>http://sbpositions.epfl.ch/applications/

Candidates should submit their curriculum vitae, concise statement of research and teaching interests, and the names and addresses (including email) of five referees as a single PDF file (at most 20 sides of A4, plus list of publications).  A printed version of this file should be sent to:

Professor Alfio Quarteroni
Mathematics Search Committee (Biostatistics)
Station 8
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

For additional information, please consult: <http://sma.epfl.ch/search>http://sma.epfl.ch/search and <http://www.epfl.ch>http://www.epfl.ch

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer.


Professor A. C. Davison
Institute of Mathematics
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne IMA-FSB-EPFL, Station 8
Switzerland                       Tel: + 41 (0)21 693 5502
                                  Sec: + 41 (0)21 693 2565

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