[Statlist] "Bayesian Statistics" training announcement - June 2009

Dr. Thomas Gsponer gsponer at statoo.com
Thu Nov 20 11:10:00 CET 2008


Bayesian Statistics

June 22-24, 2009

Prof. Anthony O'Hagan, University of Sheffield

Waldhotel Doldenhorn, Kandersteg, Switzerland


The "Swiss Statistical Society" (SSS) is organising
a three-day training on Bayesian statistics in June
2009. The training will be given by Tony O'Hagan,
which is a leading researcher in Bayesian statistics,
having extensive practical experience in applying
Bayesian methods in a variety of fields.

This training course is intended to provide a basic
grounding in the theory and concepts of Bayesian
inference. Whilst many participants will have
encountered the Bayesian approach to some extent,
no specific background knowledge will be assumed.

For a detailed description and other information
please have a look at the attached description or


or have a look at


Dr. ès sc Thomas Gsponer
Statoo Consulting                       phone  +41 (0)31 998 4592
Morgenstrasse 129, CH-3018 Berne        fax    +41 (0)31 998 4599
web    http://www.statoo.info           email  gsponer at statoo.com
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