[Statlist] aster's Programs in Statistics

Werner Stahel stahel at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Feb 25 17:47:17 CET 2009

Master's Programs in Statistics are offered by 4 univerisities in
Switzerland. They are all open to graduates from many disciplines. 
You may be interested yourself or be willing to spread the word 
about these opportunities. Note that application deadlines for 
the autumn semester come up shortly.

-- University of Geneva: deadline Feb 28,

-- ETH and University of Zurich: deadline March 15
   Information event March 6 (noon, HG G 19.2)
   http://stat.ethz.ch/teaching/master  and  

-- University of Neuchatel: Deadline April 30
   Information event March 4
   www2.unine.ch/formation/page19024.html  and  

-- University of Berne: Deadline April 30

At EPF Lausanne, a similar program is offered, the 
"Master of Mathematical Sciences", with possible specialisation in 
Statistics and Finance, see  http://master.epfl.ch/page62879.html

Werner Stahel, ETHZ

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