[Statlist] Conference "Structural Inference in Statistics" Potsdam September 2013
Natalie Neumeyer
neumeyer at math.uni-hamburg.de
Wed May 15 08:43:23 CEST 2013
Conference "Structural Inference in Statistics"
Potsdam, September 17-19, 2013
The aim of the conference is to bring together and foster exchanges
between experts of mathematical statistics and of different neighboring
fields relevant to structural inference. The combination of theoretical,
methodological and applied aspects also aims at identifying possible new
seminal directions of research.
** Keynote minilecture series:
Sanjoy Dasgupta (University of California, San Diego)
Stéphane Mallat (École Polytechnique, Paris)
** Confirmed invited speakers:
A. Juditsky (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble)
G. Kerkyacharian (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
G. Lecué (CNRS and Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée)
M. Low (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
A. Munk (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
A. Nobel (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
S. Tsybakov (CREST-ENSAE, Paris)
M. Wegkamp (Cornell University, Ithaca)
** Call for abstracts: Participants are invited to submit abstracts by
*May 24*, 2013 for presentation of their research in the form of a
poster. A limited number of abstracts will be selected by the program
committee for contributed talk presentation.
Program committee: G. Blanchard (U. Potsdam), T. Dickhaus (HU Berlin),
H. Drees (U. Hamburg), U. von Luxburg (U. Hamburg and MPI Intelligent
Systems, Tübingen), N. Neumeyer (U. Hamburg), M. Reiß (HU Berlin), A.
Rohde (U. Bochum) and V. Spokoiny (WIAS Berlin)
Supported by DFG research group 1735
"Structural Inference in Statistics - Adaptation and Efficiency"
Prof. Dr. Natalie Neumeyer
Fachbereich Mathematik
Universität Hamburg
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)40 42838 4907
neumeyer at math.uni-hamburg.de
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