Marc G. Genton
Marc.Genton at kaust.edu.sa
Fri Nov 8 12:56:24 CET 2013
Message from an SSS member and Swiss statistician living abroad:
The Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division
at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) invites applications
for faculty positions in Statistics at all levels (Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor)
beginning in the Fall of 2014.
KAUST is an international, graduate research university dedicated to advancing science
and technology through interdisciplinary research, education, and innovation. Located on
the shores of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, KAUST offers superb research facilities,
generous assured research funding, and internationally competitive salaries, attracting top
international faculty, scientists, engineers, and students to conduct fundamental and
goal-oriented research to address the world's pressing scientific and technological
challenges related to the areas of food, water, energy, and the environment.
Statistics is within the Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Division, and part of the program on Applied Mathematics and Computational Science.
We are interested in applicants with background primarily in computational statistics and
modeling, spatial statistics, or analysis of large and complex datasets, though excellent
candidates with other expertise in statistics related to sciences and engineering will be
considered as well.
The successful candidate will have a doctoral degree in Statistics or equivalent, experience
in interdisciplinary research, and a strong publication record commensurate with the level
of the post he/she applies for. For senior positions, the evidence of track record in successful
attracting external funding and independent research is essential.
Applicants should apply at the http://cemse.kaust.edu.sa<http://cemse.kaust.edu.sa/> employment site. Applications received
by December 31, 2013 will receive full consideration and positions will remain open until filled.
** See also attached ad. **
Marc Genton
Professor of Statistics: stsda.kaust.edu.sa
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology:www.kaust.edu.sa<http://www.kaust.edu.sa/>
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